Senath Mo. Class of '58
Text Documents

August 4th 2002

To whom it may concern:



      At the 2002 Class Reunion I had contracted the hotel to assure dinner settings for a "minimum" (IDS) count (Individual Dinner Settings) for a total of 72 people.
That "minimum IDS count" constituted a meal cost liability of 72 x $13.87 =  $998.64
From that 72 place total there were 7 attending (non paying) Honorary Guests which left 66 people paying $22.50 each creating a "Kitty total of  ...66 x 22.50 =  $1485.00
That is the sum I collected form those reserving dinner/s at the 2002 Reunion     
Dinner liability ($998.64) was deducted from the ($1485.00) "kitty" leaving  $ 476.00+
remaining in the "2002 Reunion Kitty"

From that $476.00+  remaining "Kitty Fund" the following was deducted ...............
(1) There were a total of nine 8 place dinner tables each with a $30.00  Cheeze Ball
      which constituted a Cheeze Ball Cost of   9 x $30.00 ......................= $270.00 -
The $270.00 Cheeze Ball Liability was deducted from the $ 470.00 leaving $200.00+
(2)  The "No Host Bar" was contracted at a "Minimum" (Guarantee Fee) of  $ 50.00 -
      which when deducted from the "Kitty" left us with a surplus of ............$150.00+
(3)  The piano player was contracted for a   "Minimum" (Guarantee Fee) of  $ 50.00 -
      which was also deducted from the remaining $150.00 "Kitty" leaving ....$100.00+
(4)  From the remaining $100.00 plus a 13% "Tax/Service" Charge was added to the
meal, bar, piano player and cheeze ball cost of $1385.00 for a TAX total of  $179.05
This left the 2002 Reunion "Kitty" in a  "MINUS"                EQUAL TO  $ 79.00
Personally, I was delighted in getting it that close.

Gail Page had informed me that Betsey managed a remaining "Slush fund" account left over from the 1983 Reunion and that I should contact her regarding any unpaid items including paper and mailing costs.

Betsey forwarded to my attention a check from the Senath State Bank which closed out said remaining account in the sum of                               PLUS          $335.22

I deducted a previously discussed (estimated) cost associated with ......
Stamps, Ink Jet Ink and paper ................................................................ $256.00-
I then added on the (debit) sum left over from the 2002 Reunion equalling..   $  79.00 - which totaled a "Minus" from Betseys 1983 " Reunion Slush Fund" = to  $335.00

Having deducted my costs as instructed (and noted above) their is now a       ZERO balance left in our Class of 58 Reunion Account/s

Thank you one and all for your continued support.

Warmest Regards
Bob Corley